Speaking Cables
Choreographic Device
for Voice, Cables and Speakers
(2023) • performance • 50′

Speaking Cables
Choreographic Device
for Voice, Cables and Speakers
(2023) • performance • 50′
Bringing one’s own voice on stage in order to question it as something other than oneself, building and deconstructing space through a process between ritual and game and the diffuse sound articulated on a white blank page.
The compositional research alternates monologues, choruses, dialogues, textures and silences thanks to a choreography that combines the experiences of sound art with the idea that loudspeakers are presences with which to relate to.
Speaking cables is an open, “site-responsive” device that, through the installation of its compositional cells in space, allows for various scenic-dramaturgical possibilities.
A celebration of the present moment, it recalls one of the constituent elements of every performing event, hence of every work that is consumed in its happening: duration, temporality, a here and now that simply, and inescapably, happens. And does not return. (Gargarin Orbite Culturali)
By and with: Agnese Banti
Live electronics: Andrea Trona
Artistic project, musical composition and direction: Agnese Banti
Artistic and technical collaboration, musical computing: Andrea Trona
Dramaturgy and direction collaboration: Marta Vitalini
Sound direction: Agnese Banti, Andrea Trona
Lighting and technical consultant: Antonio Rinaldi
Thanks to the artistic encounters curated by FONDO: Yan Duyvendak, Camille Louis, Ana Pi
Project supported by FONDO, Network for Emerging Creativity developed by Santarcangelo dei Teatri with AMAT, Centrale Fies, ERT – Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fabbrica Europa, I Teatri di Reggio Emilia, L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora | Centro di residenza Emilia Romagna, Operaestate Festival Veneto / CSC Centro per la Scena Contemporanea, Ravenna Teatro, Teatro Pubblico Campano, Teatro Pubblico Pugliese, TSU Teatro Stabile dell’Umbria, Triennale Milano Teatro
Residencies: Teatro Il Lavatoio – Santarcangelo Festival; L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora | Centro di residenza Emilia Romagna; Sala Lab, PARC – Fabbrica Europa; Sala Verdi – I Teatri di Reggio Emilia; Villa Strozzi – Tempo Reale; Vulkano/Malagola – Ravenna Teatro //// On-site technical collaboration: Biagio Cavallo (Santarcangelo Festival), Donato Debellis (Triennale Milano) //// Organisation assistance (Triennale Milano, Fuorimargine, Cross Festival): Alice Diodovich
Debut: July 13th-14th-15th 2023, Santarcangelo Festival
Scheduled at: Fabbrica Europa (September 14th-15th 2023); Festival Aperto (October 7th-8th 2023); FOG / Triennale Milano (February 20th 2024); La Stagione dei Teatri / Ravenna Teatro (April 5th-6th-7th 2024); Fuorimargine (May 3rd-4th 2024); Cross Festival (May 30th-31st 2024); Short Theatre (September 12th 2024); Creazioni Accessibili / Orbita Spellbound (December 5th)
Corriere di Romagna – Santarcangelo festival 2023: un bilancio
ATP DIARY – Enough not Enough. Essere comunità | Santarcangelo 2023
Gufetto – Festival Fabbrica Europa a Firenze: l’isolamento dei multi- e degli iper-
La Falena, Rivista di critica e cultura teatrale – 2/2023, Speciale I NOVISSIMI
T Magazine – Spazio-suono-immagine: intervista ad Agnese Banti
Teatrionline – Speaking Cables di Agnese Banti al FOG Performing Arts Festival
Spin-off projects
Sound Immersion
scheduled at: Supernova (April 17th 2024), Teatro delle Relazioni (November 29th 2024)
for Unintentional Predictive Writing and Speaker
installed at: Teatro delle Relazioni (November 7th – December 20th 2024)
Speaking Cables photos: 1 © Monia Pavoni, 2 © Nicola Baldazzi, 3 e 5 © Lorenza Daverio, 4 e 6 © Claudia Borgia, 7 © Pietro Bertora / Spin off photos: © Sara Sassi / OKNO Studio